Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Using Constant Reflection to find success

One of the big questions around FASD is what can be done?  We know there isn’t any cure, there is disagreement about treatments and there is controversy about medication.  However, if we ask what is our biggest concern toward our children impacted by FASD, we tend to say coping.  In the research I have heard recently, I keep hearing what doesn’t work, but rarely hear what does work.  I have seen in numerous cases what does work is constant reflection on strategy effectiveness.

In laymen’s terms, it is basically using science methods to understand behaviour.  If we accept the premise that all behaviour is communication, then we use experimentation and constant reflection to determine what that communication is.  If I ask my son to turn the TV off and he yells at me, I document the event, time, place, circumstances, and language.  If this event keeps happening every time I ask, I will change something and see if it is any more effective.  If I run out of alternatives, then I am going to ask someone else such as a counselor for suggestions. 

Interestingly, this is not a new strategy for special education.  Back in 1994, when I was writing my Master’s thesis, I referred to the fact the most effective reading programs were the ones that continually used the scientific method to determine effectiveness.  My family also consistently reflect on our lives.  Any time we attempt something new, we will evaluate how well we did.  If I make cookies and they taste awful, I will go back to the recipe and try and figure out what I did wrong.  If I put an IKEA table together and have parts left over, I will go back and figure out why.  I am constantly thinking about the most efficient way to drive from one place to another.  When I break down these behaviours into each part, then experiment with different ways to discover the most efficient, I will eventually find successes.  I believe this is why my daughter Cassie loves the cooking shows because every chef I have seen is constantly using reflection to create the best possible dish.  Cassie, at some level, recognizes the familiarity of it.  Whenever Sky or Jacob can verbalize why they acted the way they did, they are using reflection to discover this.

However, the key is identifying the variables responsible through experimentation.  Rarely can our children verbally communicate these variables.  We know when Sky is short-tempered, Cassie is crying and Jacob is yelling, something is wrong.  We will start tracking their day to find out what has them out of sorts.  We know anxiety leads to bad decision making, too much talking overwhelms them, rapid changes make them confused, and boredom leads to impulsivity.  We know all of this because we have consistently used reflection to detect the pattern.  And through experimentation, we have discovered strategies that work for them in those situations.  It is also important to note that these five concepts will work through the lifespan, but the way we apply them changes with age or with particular situations.  It is also important to recognize a strategy may work once but then fail to work later due to a slight change in the situation.  Therefore, it is constant reflection.

1  1)   Discrete Trial Teaching is basically simplifying it.  Focus on one thing, accomplish it, then move onto the next thing.  My children don’t understand time so they just keep going step by step until it is done.

2  2) Naturalistic Teaching or Discovery Learning.  I love this one.  Basically, look at their strengths and use them as much as possible.  My son is great with his iPad so we use loads of apps to help him manage his emotions, watch videos, voice text his writing, use pictures to describe and listen to stories.

3  3)      Pivotal Response Therapy takes naturalistic learning a step further.  We deliberately tap into strengths to manage one specific identified behaviour from using reflection.  My daughter Sky really struggles with speaking to strangers.  But if an unknown fair judge asks her about her cow, she can be very articulate.

4  4)      Token Economy or Bribery – Yes, it works if you can find the right motivator.  If I tell Sky or Jacob I will let them have a favorite snack if they do what I ask, they will do it.

5  5)       Contingent Observation or Good modeling- We actively seek and encourage relationships with peers who provide good modeling for them.  And we are discovering if these friends are consistent in their relationship with our children, everyone tends to do well.

There are other strategies obviously, some of which will work and others that clearly do not.  For us, though, these five have proven to be very effective.  The key, though, is not to give up.  My old basketball coach used to say the only way we lose is if we quit.  Otherwise, we just didn’t have enough time.  So just don’t quit and you will find the solution.  You may use twenty different strategies before finally finding the one that works for your child.  But there is, most certainly, at least one that will work.

Friday, 10 November 2017

Remembering those who cannot speak

Spur Ottawa recently published an article about one of my books from a couple years ago.  While I speak for those impacted by disabilities who can't speak for themselves, I also speak for those who no longer have a voice.  http://www.spurottawa.com/helping-children-remember/

One of my other passions is the stories of those who served in WWI.  Two years ago, I wrote my flagship book about one such veteran named Henry Barrie.  As we remember our veterans specifically tomorrow and every time we stand for the national anthem, Henry is the one I remember.

If you can't attend a memorial service tomorrow, I invite you to go to http://henrybarrie.weebly.com/ to get a sense of this extraordinary human being.

Saturday, 4 November 2017

Young ladies impacted by FASD shine

My daughter, Cassie, recently got mentioned in the St. Emily November newsletter.  This school supported a fundraiser for the Ruiter family who recently lost their farm and animals in a devastating fire.  The school participated in a bake sale to help raise funds and Cassie donated 8 dozen cookies to the effort.  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_O9bCJ4BVCYxWY4MPtMZGO4RP8MGXrcJgow4GPcgU28/edit
Support to our Community

St. Emily School would like to thank its amazing staff for its contribution to the Ruiters Fundraiser with 30 dozen baked goods for the bake sale.  As we know, the Ruiters recently had a devastating fire at their farm and the St Emily community has responded to the call in a big way.  The St. Emily school community would also like to make a special mention of Cassie More who contributed 8 dozen cookies.  Cassie is a young lady impacted by FASD and currently has a Co-op placement at C'est Tout Bakery in Smiths Falls and a member of the Grenville 4H Baking Club.  When she heard the Ruiter family were having this bake sale, she wanted to help them and got in touch with St. Emily.  St. Emily School was thrilled to pass her cookies along for her.
My other daughter, Skylar, was also in the Royal Winter Fair this weekend competing against the top 100 competitors in the province.  In the first half of the competition, Sky did her best showing of the year maintaining composure and maturity despite an unexpected development.  In the second half of the competition, Sky finished second in the semifinals and ended up being one of the 18 finalists.  To accomplish this so early in her career is absolutely mind-boggling.  Her local club also communicated that Sky set the alltime record for them in fundraising.  Thank you to all for making this dream possible.